Thursday, 7 October 2010

Madcow Stress Remedy :)

When you put in so much effort, but you are still far away from your target. Stress became your neighbour!
You feel lost. You wonder why. You were in the dark. Hopeless. Start to question will I really success.
You are very tired. All the repetition and routine and persistent just doesn't work.
You shut yourself in your own world. Communicate less.
Sometimes, you even stone and went blank.
Feeling emo.sad.depress.
You wish you could just lay flat on bed and don't need to wake up to face the real world.
NO! That won't work either!! You gotta stop this.
Let Ning give you a virtue kiss *muakz muakz muakz* :-***
Yes! Say peace say cheeeeese!
You are just unique in your own way! There is no another YOU on earth!
Chill and be cool.
Sit down, and think again.. what is your aim?
Then shout along with ning: "YESSSh! I can! I will! I must!!"
If you need, indulge yourself with some good food!
Not eating disorder, but ENERGY bars!!

Fall madcow-ly in love with life again!
If you could reverse, stressed is just desserts! Easy bitsy, just wallop them! Turn them into your best friends! And they will help you to acheive greater heights! *wink!wink!* ;)


Dana said...

*likes* as in facebook

haha nice one fluo !

Ning said...

*likes* your comment! *as in facebook* muahaha :D