Sunday, 23 November 2008

A Big Bear Hug

I am back to my lil bloggie after days and nights dating with my thesis.
There are tooo many people I need to thank.
Or I should say I owe them A BIG BIG hug!!!

I mean a virtue hug hahah =P

to those who had.....
Motivated me to keep going when I dont even believe in myself while struggling in committing in so many stuff particularly my job, my tertiary studies and voluntary works/ activities. Provided me with endless feedbacks and resources. Proofread my thesis at various stages without feeling fedup hahah =] Entertained me with madcow jokes. Participated in my e-survey, proud to have stumble upon 500 friendly respondents, YOU ALL are part of my thesis!

Again, thanks for everything =]

P/s: Thesis is done. Now gotta focus on my final exam.
count down: 11 more days and I am officially a Diploma Grad ;)
Madness is over??????????


Kuntong said...

study hard frm now~ =P

vincent2903 said...

i not from ur thesie group but can i received ur hug >.<


Ning said...

ning--> kuntong: okey dokey =]

ning--> vincent: *hug hug* virtue one lolx =P